> B. The "master" / "apprentice" relationship is just that - it depends
 >    how the people in question relate. As a potential "master" I am all
 >    too aware that I am not skilled in teaching - usually because I
 >    know what is obvious vs what is obscure - so anyone "taught" by me
 >    has to ask questions rather than be lectured to.

That you both recognize your own limitations and know at least one way how
to get around them is a sign that you would be quite an _effective_
teacher, Nick.

The adverse can be said for learners. Few know "how" to learn. As an adult
with A.D.D., I learned how to learn when I was around 25. In high school I
didn't do so well. Well, that's a bit of an understatement. But after I
learned how to learn to match my needs, my college tracscript reads solid

You in particular have a great deal to teach, Nick. I really wouldn't want
to see you not try to because you're afraid you might not be a good
teacher. Just treat an individual as an individual, and work with him.
Things sort themselves out in any kind of relationship like this.


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