Kirrily Skud Robert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 > On Tue, Dec 05, 2000 at 11:28:31AM -0800, Nathan Wiger wrote:
 > >
 > > Anyways, that's just one suggestion. Do I have any idea where to find
 > > these mythical people? No, unfortunately. Perhaps some feelers on
 > > newsgroups might be a good place to start. Personal experience shows
 > > that this could be a win, though.
 > Open Source Writers Group ( is a good starting point.
 > I'm subscribed to their mailing list.  I can think of a couple of other
 > good places to try, too, but they're a bit politically incorrect to
 > mention in this context :-/
 > K.

Apologies to this author. I didn't know he was a she, and I mean no
offense at my guess at what group was politically incorrect. It just
looked like Dan had seen the link and missed a bit later on.

Of course realizing that documentation is good no matter where it comes
from, I think we need to scour around on the inside as much as possible
before looking to "outsource". Perl writing has a sort of unique humor
(and odd linguistics "perlisms"), which has helped to form and identify
the culture. I think it would be a shame to lose that if we pawn off too
much onto people not "into" the culture.

I won't discount her suggestion though. Any documentation is good
documentation, especially on behalf of programmers.

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