On Sun, 17 Dec 2000, David Grove wrote:

>  > "Little languages", on the other hand, are a somewhat different matter.
>  > They will presumably be not-so-complex and hence won't require such
> deep
>  > hooks, and some redundancy there won't be such a big problem.
> I'm not sure how this is incongruent with your first paragraph. Could you
> elaborate a bit?

You had expressed concern about redundancy if each parser had to
re-implement a whole slew of stuff:

p> a prefilter of some sort, or multiple parsers (or worse, multiple
p> "parser/lexer/tokenizer single-entity parts"... meaning redundant
p> duplication of extra effort over and over again repeatedly).

I was just trying to say that for many small tasks, I would guess that
most of the default actions would not need to be overridden, and hence
there would not, in practice, be all that much redundancy.

>  > Another route to keep in mind is spending effort working on and with
>  > things such as perl-byacc 
> That sounds too complex for what seems like a more simple solution. When
> you say "turn simple 'languages' into perl", that's what Dan's told me is
> my source filter. 

Correct.  perl-byacc is a source filter.  It takes in yacc source and
outputs perl code.  It just may not be what folks first think of as a
"source filter" in the sense of using the Filter:: modules.  For
some problems, it's certainly too complex.  For others it might not 

Not all problems need be shoe-horned into the same solution box. That's
all I'm trying to say.

    Andy Dougherty              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    Dept. of Physics
    Lafayette College, Easton PA 18042

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