David Grove wrote:
> Ok, let's be pedantic.

Everyone is pedantic.  And they're all *right*.

> The one thing that I learned in high school speech class was that, if you
> say it, and people understand you, it's correct. It may not be proper, but
> it's correct, because it serves its purpose.

This is an anti-pedantic argument.  (Not that I disagree...)

> We usually say "One hundred and
> nine dollars", however, when speaking, especially in the south and
> midwest.

Wow, you do get around.

> In British English, the and is
> normally used for a decimal point for money except in Britain itself

What other British English are you referring to?

> I've yet to know what a quid is

It's a pound, of course.

> ommitted

You mean "omitted", right?  Not to be pedantic...

> languages, however, and ("und") is used quite frequently, and left out for
> the cents (DM129.09 "Ein hundert neun und zwanzig Mark neun").

Not unheard of in English, either.  Five foot two, eyes of blue...

Can also be seen in certain technical protocols, such as resistances:
4K7 Ohms = 4700 Ohms.

> (I pronounced 5.005_03 as "five double-aught five oh three".)

That's not pedantic, that's anal.  I say "five five three".


use Lingua::EN::Numbers;

sub infix_units {
  my( $n, $u ) = $_[0] =~ /([.\d]+)\s*(\w+)/;
  my $s = Lingua::EN::Numbers->new($n)->get_string;
  $s =~ s/point/$u/g;

print infix_units( "45.60 Pounds" );

John Porter

What would Gabrielle do?

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