John van V <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I am going to play the peace-maker here for a moment, is there any
> possibility of negoiating a way out of this because I dont feel that it:

> a) benefits the world of users
> and
> b) makes a whole lotta sense considering that ATT has attempted to go
> the open route a lot more than many of the hosting platforms especially
> Microsoft.

I'm not really sure why you're bringing the UWIN GCC thing up on this
mailing list, but you need to take this up with RMS.  This was his
decision, and he's explained his decision to some degree already on the
GCC mailing list.

Watching a few of these things before, I think you'll find that RMS is
quite willing to discuss things like this with people but is not going to
change his mind unless you convince him that he's wrong, and bringing in
more people to talk about it will have absolutely no effect.

Russ Allbery ([EMAIL PROTECTED])             <>

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