Dan Sugalski wrote:
> The last 
> thing I want is for every module to automagically export all (or even some) 
> of its functions. That way lies namespace pollution *real* fast.

I don't see why this is a concern.  Unless some explicit arrangement
is made for CGI to export param (following the example), a call to
unqualified param() in user code shouldn't find CGI::param, 
automagically loaded or otherwise.

Namespaces is an orthogonal issue, I think.  And so the problem of
autoloading non-core definitions is minimized; if I call CGI::param
explicitly, there's only a few places it can reasonably be expected
to come from.  Vs. calling something like time(), which can only
come from someplace that defines it I<in the main:: space> (or
whatever is the current default namespace) , including by export
from some other namespace.

John Porter

A pessimist says the CPU is 50% utilized.
An optimist says the CPU is 50% unutilized.
A realist says the network is the bottleneck.

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