On Tue, Feb 06, 2001 at 04:23:06PM -0200, Branden wrote:
> What's exactly a op dispatch? I _really_ don't know that. Please tell me so
> that I can answer this...
> ...
> I know that (althought I don't have the exact definition of opcode yet).

Oh boy. Look, Dan's been Good Cop, now it's my turn. And even I'm going to be
a bit more restrained than usual. That ought to impress you. :)

These are fundamental principles when we're dealing with interpreters. If you
wish to be a useful help to people implementing an interpreter, it helps *us*
if you know something about the fundamentals of the subject. Now, this isn't a
"bugger off until you know what you're talking about" because I've spent many
hours of my life writing documentation for people *just like you* to find out
all about how the Perl interpreter works. It saddens me when I've made these
things available to people who need to know them, and they don't use them.

Can I suggest, then, that you (and everyone else out there who needs to know
how Perl works - and if you don't know, then you need to) at least have a look


and, if possible, perlhack.pod and perlguts.pod in the perl 5.7.0 distribution?
(perlguts.pod used to be just about data structures, but in 5.7.0 and above
it's been grealy expanded.)

Because I'm feeling *extra nice* today, I've HTML-ified the latest versions of
perlhack.pod and perlguts.pod, so you don't have to download the whole
distribution, and you can find those at

These should really be required reading for Perl 6 hackers. 

If they can put a man on the moon, why can't they put them all there?

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