gentlemen (a small liberty, i admit) - 

all of this *pointless* debate could be set aside - if all of you
would just renounce perl - and adopt ruby as your language

it's why larry has shut himself up in silence - feigning illness:

*    true (not bolted-on) oo language
*    modern (not post-modern) gc
*    clean (not demented) syntax
*    easy (not forced) portability
*    embed into html, ala php
*    not "expert friendly"
*    no god complex
*    no high priests
*    easy to learn
*    newbies welcome...

don't worry, i don't expect you to change languages (today!)

>       sub test {
>           my($foo, $bar, %baz);
>           ...
>           return \%baz;
>       }

>> are we considering to deprecate this type of bad style?

> What bad style?

seriously, bad style? if this were an example of bad style,
cpan would crumble to cyber-dust... but would it matter..?

#! -w
my $perl = $bad->$style; # is there any other kind of perl?
print "$perl: the queen of write-only/non-profit languages";

>> Speaking of which, do any of the high priests know when
>> Larry might come down off the mountain?  Any day now
>> the true believers are going to melt down their copies of
>> Camel III and cast themselves a golden Python.

here you're casting larry as moses, when in fact, perl people
seem to think he's god. anyway, it'd be a golden "c"... i'd say.


heretics of perl;


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