
I'm working on the PDD for par. I would like to propose a standard directory
structure for the files inside the archive, but I realise this depends
greatly upon the directory structure of Perl itself.

How does Perl 5 manage its directory structure?

Suppose $PERL is the base directory where Perl is installed (that would be
C:\PERL on Win and /usr/lib/perl5 or something like that on UNIX). Are
always modules stored on $PERL/lib ? And shared libraries for modules always
on $PERL/lib/auto ? What's $PERL/site for? What's the structure inside it?
Is there a standard directory for storing scripts?

I think this issue should be discussed along with `par', since we cannot
install something if we don't know the structure that something is stored
in. And Perl 5's directory structure is rather clumsy, I think we should set
platform-independent conventions for that too, where it's possible. Perhaps
we can write a separate PDD on directory structure, or put it all inside
par's PDD.

It would help if someone writes a snippet of a PDD on signing archives, etc.
so that I can include it on the PDD. I have really no experience on that, so
I probably would do it wrong. Anyone to volunteer?

For the list managers: Could we have a list apart from -language, so that we
don't bother all with this `par'-issue ??? Please?  Perhaps a list that
includes the issue on directory structure, and other issues related to
installation and deployment of Perl itself and Perl programs & modules.

- Branden

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