On Sun, Feb 18, 2001 at 12:11:05PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I don't care who's trolling who, or who's not trolling who.  I don't
> want to hear Yet Another
> My-Language-Is-Cleaner-Than-Perl-And-Will-Beat-The-Pants-Off-It
> argument.
> Get this off perl6-*.  Take it to clpm or your local NY.pm meeting.

In the latter case, please only do so if schwern is in town and we can
shove you and him into a different room...

dha, 1/2 :-)
David H. Adler - <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - http://www.panix.com/~dha/
You get the idea that if Apple won a 90% market share, bought out
Microsoft, and hired Bill Gates to mop the bathrooms, Business Week
would write: "Apple has all but ignored the possibility of alien
invasion..."    - David Pogue

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