On Tuesday 20 February 2001 14:45, Stephen P. Potter wrote:
> Lightning flashed, thunder crashed and John Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> :
> | Yep; the perl manpage has said, since time immemorial, that 
> | the fact that -w was not on by default is a BUG.
> I don't know that I would say time immemorial.  It wasn't in the man for
> 4.036.  I can only find man pages back to 5.002 right now, so I can't
> check any earlier than that in the 5 tree.  However, it was meant to be
> (more than) slightly tongue-in-cheek.

And there's a difference between warnings originating because something has 
gone wrong and those originating because I'm doing something particularly 
perlish.  Unfortunately, -w doesn't (and probably can't) tell the 

A friend of mine was attempting to install some commercial program (a D&D 
character generator, IIRC) on a Windows box - one that didn't have a sound 
card.  It wouldn't run.  It always crashed while trying to talk to the 
sound card.  He procured someone else's laptop to do a demo install, and it 
ran fine - there are open and close window sound effects, and this 
voice-over guy that gives instructions.  The first instruction given in the 
setup box? If you'd like to turn off the voice, click this box.  Nothing 
else is sound dependent.  Somehow I think there's a lesson to be learned 

Bryan C. Warnock

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