I think I see where you are coming from on the issue of CGI. I think that
although we are approaching it from different angles, we are somewhat on the
same track. I say "Content-Length", you say "memory limits". What I am trying
to say (although I've never been really good at explaining myself) is that
certain CGI functionality is part of the language and needs to be addressed,
not that it can't be addressed in more generic (less 'CGI') ways. If I can say
that no input to a script shall exceed "X", or any script can only access/alloc
"X" amount of memory, then essentially we're saying the same thing. Yes?
   I also want you to know that I don't take anything personally (I hope that I
haven't given that impression). This is professional, and I expect I'll leave
it that way (and it takes alot to scare me ;). A truly open discussion can
include personal thoughts and personal beliefs without becoming personal. I
apologize if I come across as being a jerk (or any derivative thereof). ;) I am
happy to have any suggestions/discussions/(or anything short of flames) that
allows me to better understand what this 'security animal' should be. Don't be
Thanks again,
Grant M.
P.S.> I'll follow-up on the VMS stuff this weekend.

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