On Mon, Mar 19, 2001 at 08:30:31AM -0800, Peter Scott wrote:
> Seen http://dev.perl.org/rfc/82.pod?

I hadn't. I'm surprised it didn't give the PDL people screaming fits.
But no, I wouldn't do it like that. It has:

 @b = (1,2,3);
 @c = (2,4,6);
 @d = @b * @c;   # Returns (2,8,18)

Where I would have @d = (2,4,6,4,8,12,6,12,18);

However, this isn't great language design; it's applying a specific solution
to a specific problem. Better is to solve the general problem, and have all
operators overloadable even on non-objects, so the user can define how this
sort of thing works.

I want you to know that I create nice things like this because it
pleases the Author of my story.  If this bothers you, then your notion
of Authorship needs some revision.  But you can use perl anyway. :-)
    - Larry Wall

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