Jarkko Hietaniemi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Somewhat tangentially: this reminds me of a message a week ago or so
> (can't find it anymore in my inbox) which proposed writing C (or C++)
> code for Perl 6 so that "modern CPU architectures are happy" (no
> pipeline stalls because of "if"-s, etc.)  Hello?  This is a very
> high-level language we are writing, not a DSP core.  Optimizing by
> choosing good algorithms and data structures, yes, microoptimizing,
> maybe, only after the code works first, and even then we would be
> following the mirage since CPU architectures do evolve, and in
> general, for large codebases, the C compilers are much, much, better
> in optimizing than humans.  Yes, a human can sit down and read
> the databooks and optimize a simple algorithm to hell and back.
> But megabytes of source code?  Get real.

That may have been me:


(PDD for coding conventions)

The main thrust of that was whether a PDD on coding conventions
should have sections on:
* Coding style
* Naming conventions
* Commenting conventions
* Portability guidelines
* Performance guidelines

Based on your comments above (which I hearily agree with), I guess
we can safely dispense with that last entry.

Dave M.

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