At 02:43 PM 4/5/2001 -0700, Nathan Wiger wrote:
>Yep, something like this would be cool. But as Dan suggested we'll
>probably have to let Larry clarify his intent here.

Somewhere or other Larry talked about this. Might've been in LA1, might've 
been somewhere else.

>I read it as "it
>would be cool to assume that we're getting real Perl 5 code", rather
>than as just assuming Perl 5 non-strict policies, but actual Perl 6
>I agree with Ed that, if you think about it, parsing Perl 5 in the Perl
>6 detachable-lexer-parser model shouldn't (hopefully) be any harder than
>parsing Python (or Parrot :) syntax.

To be honest, if we lop out some of the nastier bits of perl 5 that have 
been contemplated, then making perl 6 grok code that uses them will be 
reasonably non-trivial.

Besides, I really do *not* want to have perl 6 fully compatible with all 
perl 5 source for another reason. If we say we're not, but some perl 5 code 
does parse and run, then we get nice brownie points. If, on the other hand, 
we say we *are* perl 5 compatible, every single silly little 
incompatibility will be a black mark. Perl 5 is enough of a moving, poorly 
defined, target that I'd rather not shoot directly at it.

Which isn't to say I'd be against a parser plug-in on CPAN that ate perl 5 
code--that'd be rather cool. I just don't want to promise that perl 6 will 
eat all perl 5 code.


--------------------------------------"it's like this"-------------------
Dan Sugalski                          even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                         have teddy bears and even
                                      teddy bears get drunk

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