Looks like I can get pretty close to what I was looking for with this

    sub cascade ($obj, &proc) { proc($obj); $obj; }

Then, given the Point class again:

    class Point { has $.x is rw; has $.y is rw; }


    (Point.new.&cascade: {.x = 10;}; Point.new.&cascade: {.y = 20;})


    (Point.new(x => 10, y => Any) Point.new(x => Any, y => 20))

This came out of looking to see if it was possible to support method
cascade syntax in Perl 6. See this question on stackoverflow:


Below, I've included the gtk-simple example written to use 'cascade'.

As an aside, the Swift community has been discussing adding something like
'cascade' to their standard library under the name 'with':



use v6;

use GTK::Simple;

sub cascade ($obj, &proc) { proc($obj); $obj; }

GTK::Simple::App.new(title => 'abc').&cascade: {

    my $app = $_;

    my $button;

            GTK::Simple::Button.new(label => 'bcd').&cascade: {
                .clicked.tap({ .sensitive = False; $button.sensitive =
True; });

   $button = GTK::Simple::Button.new(label => 'cde').&cascade: {
       .clicked.tap({ $app.exit; });

    .border-width = 20;


On Mon, Jun 6, 2016 at 1:12 PM, Eduardo Cavazos <wayo.cava...@gmail.com>

> Hello,
> Here's a simple class:
>     class Point { has $.x is rw; has $.y is rw; }
> 'with' seems to return the result of evaluating the block. E.g. this
> expression will return a Point:
>     with Point.new { .x = 10; $_; }
> Whereas this will return 10:
>     with Point.new { .x = 10; }
> Is there a way for a user to define a variant of 'with' which returns the
> target object instead of the result of the evaluating the block? I.e.:
>     with_alt Point.new { .x = 10; }
> would return a Point.
> And this:
>     (with_alt Point.new {.x = 10}; with_alt Point.new {.y = 20})
> would return a list of two Points.
> Thanks!
> Ed

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