On Wed Jul 27 06:06:00 2016, coke wrote:
> Normally when I find an old ticket that says "doesn't build", I'm able
> to close it out, but not today!
> I installed the latest Strawberry Perl (64bit), and used the
> git bash shell to checkout a copy of rakudo (using the https protocol
> and setting my http/https proxy env vars).
> The configure failed for me in about the same place, because the
> "install" directory was not created. After manually creating the
> folder, I reran the original Configure.pl script, which now got to
> building moar, which then died with:
> "unknown OS 'msys'"
> So, two different issues using Strawberry/git bash
> I know that jnthn (core developer) works on windows all the time, but
> uses the MS compiler to build.
> On Sun Jun 28 02:51:11 2015, equinox wrote:
> > Hi,,
> >
> > Using latest git. The rakudo does not compile.
> >
> > L:\rakudo>C:\strawberry16_2\perl\bin\perl.exe Configure.pl
> > --prefix=L:\rakudo\install --backends=moar --make-install
> > --git-protocol=https --gen-moar
> > '"L:\rakudo\install/bin/nqp-m.bat"' is not recognized as an internal
> > or
> > external command,
> > operable program or batch file.
> > M       Configure.pl
> > HEAD is now at a5d6dda... bump moar for nqp::shell/nqp::spawn
> > improvements
> > Building NQP ...
> > C:\strawberry16_2\perl\bin\perl.exe Configure.pl
> > --prefix=L:\rakudo\install --backends=moar --make-install
> > --git-protocol=https --gen-moar
> > Found L:\rakudo\install/bin/moar.exe version 2015.06-44-g2c96984,
> > which
> > is new enough.
> > Cleaning up ...
> >
> > Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 10.00.30319.01
> > Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
> >
> >
> > Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 10.00.30319.01
> > Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
> >
> > C:\strawberry16_2\perl\bin\perl.exe -MExtUtils::Command -e
> > mkpath gen\moar\stage1\gen
> > C:\strawberry16_2\perl\bin\perl.exe tools\build\gen-cat.pl moar
> > src\how\Archetypes.nqp src\how\RoleToRoleApplier.nqp
> > src\how\NQPConcreteRoleHOW.nqp src\how\RoleToClassApplier.nqp
> > src\how\NQPCurr
> > RoleHOW.nqp  src\how\NQPClassHOW.nqp src\how\NQPNativeHOW.nqp
> > src\how\NQPAttribute.nqp src\how\NQPModuleHOW.nqp
> > src\how\EXPORTHOW.nqp
> >  > gen\moar\stage1\nqpmo.nqp
> > L:\rakudo\install\bin\moar --libpath=src\vm\moar\stage0
> > src\vm\moar\stage0\nqp.moarvm --bootstrap --setting=NULL --no-regex-
> > lib
> > --target=mbc  --output=gen\moar\stage1\nqpmo.moarvm gen\moar\stage1\
> > NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'L:\rakudo\install\bin\moar.EXE' : return
> > code '0xc0000005'
> > Stop.
> > Command failed (status 512): nmake
> > Command failed (status 512): C:\strawberry16_2\perl\bin\perl.exe
> > Configure.pl --prefix=L:\rakudo\install --backends=moar --make-
> > install
> > --git-protocol=https --gen-moar
> >
> > Jaffa4
> >

So, maybe we can close this out with some documentation updates on our 
recommend toolchain on windows with strawberry on one side, and the MS tools on 
the other.
Will "Coke" Coleda

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