Some more discussion about this at:

> On 28 Jul 2016, at 02:47, Damian Conway (via RT) 
> <> wrote:
> # New Ticket Created by  Damian Conway 
> # Please include the string:  [perl #128760]
> # in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
> # <URL: >
>> perl6 --version
> This is Rakudo version 2016.07.1 built on MoarVM version 2016.07
> implementing Perl 6.c.
> Adding a new postcircumfix operator increases compile-time by over 1 second
> per operator definition.
> For example:
> BEGIN my $start = now;
> BEGIN { say "Compiling..." };
> INIT  { say "Compiled after {now - $start} seconds"; }
> END   { say "Done after {now - $start} seconds"; }
> multi postcircumfix:« ⦋ ⦌ » (Any $prob, Any $state) {
>    $state => $prob
> }
> BEGIN  { say "First definition after {now - $start} seconds"; }
> multi postcircumfix:« ⦋ ⦌ » (Numeric $prob, Any $state) {
>    $state => $prob
> }
> BEGIN  { say "Second definition after {now - $start} seconds"; }
> multi postcircumfix:« ⦋ ⦌ » (Str $prob, Any $state) {
>    $state => $prob
> }
> BEGIN  { say "Third definition after {now - $start} seconds"; }
> multi postcircumfix:« ⦋ ⦌ » (Int $prob, Any $state) {
>    $state => $prob
> }
> BEGIN  { say "Fourth definition after {now - $start} seconds"; }
> say   0.5⦋'cat'⦌;
> say 'cat'⦋0.5⦌;
> say 'cat'⦋'cat'⦌;
> say     1⦋'cat'⦌;
> say     1⦋1⦌;

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