# New Ticket Created by  Aaron Sherman 
# Please include the string:  [perl #128766]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# <URL: https://rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=128766 >

In this code:

sub infix:<↑>($a, $b) is assoc<right> {$a ** $b}; sub infix:<↑↑>($a, $b) is
assoc<right> { [↑] $a xx $b }; say 3↑↑3

The say produces the right answer (7625597484987) but it also produces this

Useless use of $a in sink context (line 1)

It's not clear why this would be, since we are using both $a and $b in a
context that's very much not sunk... or so it would seem...

This result is on latest circa:

This is Rakudo version 2016.07.1-79-gaa5e494 built on MoarVM version
implementing Perl 6.c.


Linux hostname 3.13.0-24-generic #47-Ubuntu SMP Fri May 2 23:30:00 UTC 2014
x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

>From IRC discussion:

[15:45] <harmil_wk> m: sub infix:<↑>($a, $b) is assoc<right> {$a ** $b};
sub infix:<↑↑>($a, $b) is assoc<right> { [↑] $a xx $b }; sub
infix:<↑↑↑>($a, $b) is assoc<right> { [↑↑] $a xx $b }; sub infix:<↑↑↑↑>($a,
$b) is assoc<right> { [↑↑↑] $a xx $b }; say 3↑↑3
[15:45] <+camelia> rakudo-moar aa5e49: OUTPUT«WARNINGS for <tmp>:␤Useless
use of $a in sink context (lines 1, 1, 1)␤7625597484987␤»
[15:45] <harmil_wk> Am I missing something, there? Seems like there should
be no warning.
[15:47] <unmatched}> bisect: m: sub infix:<↑>($a, $b) is assoc<right> {$a
** $b}; sub infix:<↑↑>($a, $b) is assoc<right> { [↑] $a xx $b }; sub
infix:<↑↑↑>($a, $b) is assoc<right> { [↑↑] $a xx $b }; sub infix:<↑↑↑↑>($a,
$b) is assoc<right> { [↑↑↑] $a xx $b }; say 3↑↑3
[15:47] <[Coke]> it doesn't warn for me locally on 2016.07.1
[15:48] <bisectable> unmatched}: Exit code is 0 on both starting points,
bisecting by using the output
[15:48] <bisectable> unmatched}: bisect log:
[15:48] <bisectable> unmatched}: (2016-07-26)
[15:48] <unmatched}> harmil_wk: would you please open a ticket for it?
[15:48] <harmil_wk> Sure
[15:48] <unmatched}> huggable: rakudobug
[15:48] <huggable> unmatched}, To report a bug, email detailed description
and any test cases to rakudo...@perl.org or use perl6 query on
http://rt.perl.org ; see https://github.com/rakudo/rakudo/#reporting-bugs
[15:49] <harmil_wk> I've been pretty prolific with the bug reports of late.
I'm worried I'm going on a list ;)
[15:49] <unmatched}> :)
[15:49] <[Coke]> harmil_wk: you'll never catch up with masak, so dont'
worry. :)
[15:50] <unmatched}> harmil_wk: oh and would you include the link to the
commit that bisectable gave above?
[15:50] <unmatched}> TimToady: if you're around and have time, seems it
points to the sinkiness propagation:
[15:50] <[Coke]> unmatched}: note that, in general, we want files attached
to tickets, not links to pastebots.
[15:51] <[Coke]> but I realize that's a pita in general.
[15:51] <unmatched}> [Coke]: I mean the link to the commit

Aaron Sherman, M.:
P: 617-440-4332 Google Talk, Email and Google Plus: a...@ajs.com
Toolsmith, developer, gamer and life-long student.

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