
Unfortunately, I'm getting the same freeze/no echo behavior upon executing *my $in = get;* on the REPL. This obtains with perl6 running under cmd.exe, cmd.exe with Administrative privileges, and with powershell.exe.


 * Rakudo version 2016.07.1 built on MoarVM version 2016.07
   implementing Perl 6.c;
 * Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard

However! I was inspired by an email from Naoum Hankache <na...@hankache.com> I just now read regarding an error I encountered while reading his tutorial. His discovery was that putting the same commands within a script - rather than entering them at the REPL - fixed the problem. The same is true here: If I create a simple test file, e.g.:

   my $in = get;
   say $in;

and run that, then input echoes as expected, <Enter> terminates input, and the string is successfully echoed.

On 08/16/2016 11:34 AM, Zoffix Znet via RT wrote:

Were you able to try the latest Rakudo Star? and see if the problem is still 
there? http://rakudo.org/downloads/star/rakudo-star-2016.07-x86_64%20(JIT).msi

I'm not able to reproduce this on Windows 7, even with the 2016.04 version. The 
code starts and waits for input. I type it in, press Enter and the program 
returns just fine, with my input echoed on the screen as I type it.

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