Hello all! I'm trying to figure out how the NativeCall interface
releases memory for objects with native representation, and I could
use some help.

For what I can see:

* CPointer never frees anything
* CStr always frees the allocated memory
* CStruct never frees, but has a comment saying maybe it should

I agree that CPointer shouldn't do anything special: it's essentially
a number, in general we don't know anything about it, so it's best to
leave it alone.

For CStr, I'm not clear on what happens: I haven't found code that
actually uses it.

For CStruct (and CPPStruct, and CUnion), I'm pretty sure that both
"never free" and "always free" are bad. Some C functions will return
pointers to data they have allocated, and expect you to free, either
with the normal "free" function or with some library-specific
call. Some other will return pointers to internal data that you should
not touch. Some will expect you to allocate memory, and will write

The current behaviour of not freeing is definitely better than going
around and calling "free" on every pointer, but it leaks.

I'd like to be able to mark an instance as "owned by the Perl side",
and specify how to free it. It has to be per-instance, since different
values of the same type may be owned by different "sides". I see these
four cases:

* object allocated by Perl, passed to C
  * becomes owned by C
  * or stays owned by Perl
* object allocated by C, returned to Perl
  * becomes owned by Perl
  * or stays owned by C

A C-owned object will be freed as a side-effect of some future call.

A Perl-owned object may need to to be freed by:
* a normal call to "free"
* a call to a specific C function

Does the above make any sense? Am I on the right track? How would I go
about implementing that thing?

        Dakkar - <Mobilis in mobile>
        GPG public key fingerprint = A071 E618 DD2C 5901 9574
                                     6FE2 40EA 9883 7519 3F88
                            key id = 0x75193F88

The first time, it's a KLUDGE!
The second, a trick.
Later, it's a well-established technique!
                -- Mike Broido, Intermetrics

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