On Sat Aug 06 11:25:38 2016, sml...@gmail.com wrote:
> Golfed program to demonstrate the problem:
> my $server = IO::Socket::Async.listen('localhost', 3333);
> $server.tap: -> $conn {
>     $conn.Supply.tap: -> $message { say $message.perl }
> }
> my $client = IO::Socket::Async.connect('localhost', 3333).then: {
>     .result.write(Blob.new: 144);
> }
> await $client, $server;
> It prints the following, and exits:
> Unhandled exception: Malformed UTF-8
> In practice, having a server than can be crashed at will by any (even
> not-authenticated) client is of course LTA.
> It seem the only way to prevent this, is to use .Supply(:bin) to work
> with Buf's, which is needlessly cumbersome for text-based protocols.
> I tried to catch the exception in the following ways, to prevent it
> from exiting the program, but none had an effect:
> 1) CATCH or try/CATCH in a bunch of different places
> 2) Assigning to $*SCHEDULER.uncaught_handler
> 3) Specifying a :quit handler for both .tap's

Fixed, and test added in S32-io/IO-Socket-Async.t for this and a couple of 
other related cases. (Under the hood, the whole way we handle decoding strings 
with async sockets has been given a good overhaul.)

The typical way to handle such errors would be your option 3 (or, if using the 
supply/whenever syntax, a QUIT phaser). It should now also, as a last gasp, be 
passed to option 2.


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