Fixed in
Tests added in

On Wed Sep 28 06:02:48 2016, wrote:
> # I have the fix; filing for records
> The .subst-mutate routine returns a Match object (or Nil) on singular
> operations or a List of Match objects when :g/:global is used, as that
> produces several matches.
> The :x option also produces several matches:
> m: say "1234567".match: /\d/, :x(5)
> rakudo-moar c01fc3: OUTPUT«(「1」 「2」 「3」 「4」 「5」)␤
> However, only a single match object is returned when that option is
> used with .subst-mutate, even though the option does have the desired
> effect on the substitutions:
> m: my $x = "1234567"; say $x.subst-mutate: /\d/, '', :x(5); say $x
> rakudo-moar c01fc3: OUTPUT«「1」␤67␤»

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