What happens if you add --ll-exception to the command line?

> On 18 Oct 2016, at 05:42, Felipe Valdes (via RT) 
> <perl6-bugs-follo...@perl.org> wrote:
> # New Ticket Created by  Felipe Valdes 
> # Please include the string:  [perl #129909]
> # in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
> # <URL: https://rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=129909 >
> I want my clients to be able to run jar files
> generated by the perl6 command:
> The program:
> my $num = (1..100).pick;
> my $guess_count = 0;
> loop {
> my $guess = prompt("guess");
> if $guess == $num {
> say "Well done";
> last;
> }
> if $guess > $num {
> say "Lower";
> }
> if $guess < $num {
> say "Higher";
> }
> if $guess_count == 7 {
> say "you suck!";
> last;
> }
> $guess_count++;
> }
> the compilation command:
> perl6 --target=jvm --output=guess.jar guess.p6
> the result:
> ===SORRY!===
> java.lang.NullPointerException
> The version:
> This is Rakudo version 2016.10-9-g906719c built on JVM
> implementing Perl 6.c.
> I think the error message is less than awesome.
> Felipes-MacBook-Pro:backend2 a$ perl6 --stagestats --target=jvm
> --output=guess.jar guess.p6
> Stage start      :   0.000
> Stage parse      :   3.405
> Stage syntaxcheck:   0.001
> Stage ast        :   0.001
> Stage optimize   :   0.140
> Stage jast       :   0.395
> Stage classfile  :   0.081
> Stage jar        :   0.000
> Stage jvm        :   0.006
> ===SORRY!===
> java.lang.NullPointerException
> Felipes-MacBook-Pro:backend2 a$

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