On the original bug, bisectable suggests f457007181bb might have caused this 
("allow ~~ to chain where practical")

01:32   labster         viki: Thanks for asking, anyway, about Lingua::Number.  
For bonus points, you can fix the bug: 
01:33           m: my $v = rx/foo/; say("foobar" ~~ $v); say("foobar" ~~ /foo/)
01:33   camelia         rakudo-moar a1fcee: OUTPUT«True␤「foo」␤»
01:37   MasterDuke      bisectable6: my $v = rx/foo/; say("foobar" ~~ $v); 
say("foobar" ~~ /foo/)
01:37   bisectable6     MasterDuke, On both starting points (old=2015.12 
new=b7201a8) the exit code is 0 and the output is identical as well
01:37           MasterDuke, Output on both points: True␤「foo」
01:38   MasterDuke      bisectable6: old=2015.07 new=2015.12 my $v = rx/foo/; 
say("foobar" ~~ $v); say("foobar" ~~ /foo/)
01:38   bisectable6     MasterDuke, Bisecting by output (old=2015.07 
new=2015.12) because on both starting points the exit code is 0
01:38           MasterDuke, bisect log: 
01:38           MasterDuke, (2015-12-10) 

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