On Sat Oct 08 19:08:38 2016, liu...@360.cn wrote:
> Sporadic behavior as below is observed when the following code is
> executed. Basically it is a situation of invoking emit for the same
> supplier by multiple (in this case, two) on demand supplies.
> liukan@candor:~/Code$ cat golfed.pl6
> my $out = Supplier.new;
> sub watch( *@cmd )
> {
>     Supply.interval( 5 ).act: {
>         my $proc = Proc::Async.new: |@cmd;
>         my @rec;
>         $proc.stdout.lines.act: {
>             .chars ?? @rec.push: $_ !! $out.emit: @rec.splice;
>         }, done => { $out.emit: @rec }
>         $proc.start
>     }
> }
> $out.Supply.act: { .say };
> watch( < df -li > );
> watch( < df -lm > );
> sleep 100;
> liukan@candor:~/Code$ perl6 golfed.pl6
> Unhandled exception in code scheduled on thread 4
> Type check failed in binding to source; expected Any but got Mu (Mu)
>   in block  at golfed.pl6 line 8
> liukan@candor:~/Code$ perl6 golfed.pl6
> Unhandled exception in code scheduled on thread 4
> Type check failed in binding to source; expected Any but got Mu (Mu)
>   in block  at golfed.pl6 line 8
Hunted it down and got it fixed. Test in S17-procasync/stress.t.



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