On Thu Dec 03 15:26:45 2015, hanenkamp wrote:
> I've been doing some digging on this because it's basically holding up
> my ability to test the code I'm working on. It appears that a thread
> is being garbage collected, but it's aborting because
> pthread_mutex_destroy is returning an error code when libuv attempts
> to free up the thread resources.
> I suspect that the version of libuv used by MVM contains an old bug
> that is hurting my particular program. I'm continuing to dig, but my C
> is pretty rusty.

It was a mutex being garbage collected (fine) but that was still locked (not 
fine). MoarVM now detects when that happens and panics with a more informative 
error. But - more helpfully - I believe I tracked down and fixed the case where 
this happens. The test in S17-supply/return-in-tap.t covers it (though I 
suspect there were quite a few more code paths that could lead to the same 
problem). Since the bug was filed, many other fixes have also been applied to 

Since this looks very much like something I fixed yesterday, but there's no 
reproduction details for me to verify it, I'll resolve this; feel free to 
re-open or re-file (with more details if possible) if this is still an issue.



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