# New Ticket Created by  Timothy Bollman 
# Please include the string:  [perl #130160]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# <URL: https://rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=130160 >

It appears that when iterating lazily through a list that's been flattened (the 
first time), sometimes certain elements are not reached.  For background I was 
writing some code that used a trie, and was attempting to find the word 
"inclusive" out of input trigrams. I have cleared away as much of the 
surrounding code as I could to provide a minimal test case. If you enable the 
commented line (or otherwise iterate through the @partials list at least once 
first), the output will be correct.

Tim Bollman

use v6;

sub find-words(@partials) {
    state $output = '';
    # my @a = @partials.kv;
    for @partials.kv -> $i, $word {
        my $backup = $output;
        $output ~= $word;
        take $output;
        find-words(@partials[0 ..^ $i, $i ^..^ +@partials].flat());
        $output = $backup;

my @found = gather find-words(<ive lus inc>);
.say for @found;
# ive
# ivelus
# lus
# lusive
# lusiveinc
# lusinc
# lusincive
# inc
# incive

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