On Wed, 30 Nov 2016 10:18:50 -0800, david.warring wrote:
> One example from this stack overflow question: question
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/40814933/how-do-the-perl-6-set-
> operations-compare-elements
> my $num_set = set( < 1 2 3 4 > );
> say "set: ", $num_set.perl;
> say "4 is in set: ", 4 โˆˆ $num_set; # False
> say "IntStr 4 is in set: ", IntStr.new(4, "Four") โˆˆ $num_set; $ True
> As noted is the thread it's unexpected and a likely trap that's
> difficult to explain to beginners.
> The current implementation is supposed to make it easy to form sets of
> general objects. But in practice even that's fragile. Consider:
> my $v = 42;
> my $s = set($v);
> $v does role {};
> say $v โˆˆ $s; # False
> I suspect the general idea of using .WHICH as a discriminator between
> elements isn't working well in practice.
> Maybe we should pull this back and use something simpler and more
> inclusive such as .Str?

Thanks for taking time writing this up, however, I'm going to reject this 

There's little reason to make a major, breaking change to a large feature of 
the language, making it much less powerful, just because a single beginner used 
poor documentation and got confused.

The author of that SO question created another ticket (RT#130184) and the 
documentation has since been amended to explain that `< ... >` quoters differ 
from qw// quoters and that they create allomorphs. Feel free to submit further 
improvements to either allomorphs or set bag mixes page 
(https://github.com/perl6/doc/blob/master/doc/Language/setbagmix.pod6 )

I'd even argue the allomorphs alone are the cause of that person's confusion 
and not setties and baggies using object identity to discern their elements. 
And aside from edge case where the angle brackets double as numeric literals, 
they're pretty easy to explain to beginners: for numbers, you get a subclass of 
Str and a particular Numeric, since the parser doesn't know which one you meant 
and making them all Str would make the feature less useful. If you meant a 
specific numeric type, coerce the stuff you get, if you meant always Str, use 
qw// quoters instead (there's also 
http://modules.perl6.org/dist/Quantum::Collapse module).

If a set based on .Str is needed, one can use set <1 2 3 4>ยป.Str. The proposal 
to use .Str instead of object identity would make ['a', 'b', 'c'] be equivalent 
to element ['a', ['b', ['c']]], or [[['a'], 'b',] 'c'], or string 'a b c', or 
class Foo { method Str { 'a b c '} }. In fact, it'll also treat all of these as 
the same object: class { method bar {} }, class {}, class { has $!foo }; class 
A {}; class B is A {} because all of their .Str is an empty string.

This would make the feature rather error prone.

> Applying a role to the object has had the side effect. Its no longer
> recognized as being an element in the set.

That's because it's a completely different object. Even with the .Str proposal 
that can be effected, since `"foo"` and `"foo" but "bar"` would not be 
considered the same items in the set, since their .Str values are different.

In summation, I don't think power should be stripped from features for the sole 
reason of making them more palatable to absolute beginners. Improved 
documentation is the correct solution.


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