On Tue, 13 Dec 2016 02:11:12 -0800, mt1...@gmail.com wrote:
> Hi,
> Recently after pulling the newest rakudo/moarvm (2016.11-238-g2f502b4
> built on MoarVM version 2016.11-41-gd2139b5 implementing Perl 6.c) I
> saw
> errors in my code which compiled ok before. This is difficult to golf
> down because it disappears when used in another context. So better
> explain my way of coding.
> The error I get now is
> /home/marcel/Languages/Perl6/Projects/mongo-perl6-
> driver/xt/Sxml/driver-authentication.t
> ..
> ===SORRY!===
> Type 'MongoDB::Server' is not declared
> at
> /home/marcel/Languages/Perl6/Projects/mongo-perl6-
> driver/lib/MongoDB/Client.pm6
> (MongoDB::Client):152
> ------>             my MongoDB::Server⏏ $server .= new(
> Malformed my
> at
> /home/marcel/Languages/Perl6/Projects/mongo-perl6-
> driver/lib/MongoDB/Client.pm6
> (MongoDB::Client):152
> ------>             my MongoDB::⏏Server $server .= new(
> The module in question has the following at the top
> use v6.c;
> use MongoDB::Server;
> use MongoDB::Database;
> use MongoDB::Collection;
> use MongoDB::Uri;
> use MongoDB::Wire;
> use MongoDB::Authenticate::Credential;
> use MongoDB;
> use BSON::Document;
> use Semaphore::ReadersWriters;
> #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> unit package MongoDB:auth<https://github.com/MARTIMM>;
> #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> class Client {
> ...
>    my MongoDB::Server $server .= new(
>      :client(self), :$server-name, :$loop-time
>    );
> ....
> }
> The server class is defined likewise as
> use v6.c;
> use MongoDB;
> use MongoDB::Server::Monitor;
> use MongoDB::Server::Socket;
> use MongoDB::Authenticate::Credential;
> use MongoDB::Authenticate::Scram;
> use BSON::Document;
> use Semaphore::ReadersWriters;
> use Auth::SCRAM;
> #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> unit package MongoDB:auth<https://github.com/MARTIMM>;
> #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> class Server { ... }
> When e.g. the line 'use MongoDB::Uri' is moved above that of
> MongoDB::Server (in the Client module) another error is returned;
> Type 'MongoDB::Uri' is not declared
>  at
>  /home/marcel/Languages/Perl6/Projects/mongo-perl6-
> driver/lib/MongoDB/Client.pm6
> (MongoDB::Client):99
> ------>     my MongoDB::Uri⏏ $uri-obj .= new(:$!uri);
> Malformed my
>  at
>  /home/marcel/Languages/Perl6/Projects/mongo-perl6-
> driver/lib/MongoDB/Client.pm6
> (MongoDB::Client):99
> ------>     my MongoDB::⏏Uri $uri-obj .= new(:$!uri);
> Now I found out that when the 'unit package' line is moved above the
> use
> statements, the error disappears. Can anyone shed some light over
> this?
> I know that use statements can be used within package, module and
> class
> to narrow the scope of definitions but I can't remember anything which
> could explain this behavior.
> Thanks,
> Marcel


How did you build your Perl 6?

That version number looks suspicious. You say you're on 2016.11-238-g2f502b4, 
but the current HEAD/nom is 2016.11-226-g1d46004, 12 commits fewer than yours.

The most obvious answer is you're in possession of a time machine and are 
reporting bugs from the future. In which case, would you mind including this 
week's lottery numbers in your reply?

Let us know,
Thank you.

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