On Sun, 01 Jan 2017 10:11:57 -0800, jjmer...@gmail.com wrote:
> This statement
>     my @stuff = "\x0"... "\xfff"
> hangs the REPL for a while. In fact, memory as reported by top goes up to 1
> GB and increases slowly but firmly. This happens whatever the start of the
> range and for a few characters.
> Ob versions:
> This is Rakudo version 2016.09-68-g447d592 built on MoarVM version
> 2016.09-1-gdebb859

Thank you for the report, however this is not a bug.

There are two things at play that cause the hang:

1) As samcv mentions above, the way you're assigning to the array makes it 
reify all the elements. You can use either `my @stuff := "\x0"..."\xfff"` or 
`my $stuff = ("\x0"..."\xfff")` or `my @stuff = lazy "\x0" ..."\xfff"` to avoid 
this issue.

2) So even though it's reifying everything, the next obvious question is why is 
it doing it forever? That it due to sequences by default using `.succ` method 
here, and there exist ranges infinitely repeated ranges because the char of a 
`.succ` of one char becomes normalized and its .succ is actually prior to that 
first char.

If you run this code, you can see that after \x[33F], the next char is \x[300] 
and it loops in that range. That's the normalization biting you.

    my @stuff = lazy "\x0" ... "\xfff"; .ord.base(16).say for @stuff

If you need a list of chars between \x0 and \xfff; you can generate the numeric 
sequence and then use a map to convert to to chars:

   my @stuff = map *.chr, lazy 0 ... 0xfff; .say for @stuff


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