On 18/02/17 06:09, ToddAndMargo wrote:
> On 02/17/2017 07:44 PM, yary wrote:
>> Oh, then chain join on the end:
>> my $StringReversedLines =
>> $StringFullOfLineFeeds.lines.reverse.join("\n")
>> or
>> my $StringReversedLines =
>> $StringFullOfLineFeeds.split("\n",:v).reverse.join
>> **//___^
> Hmmm.  I wanted to recreate the array, not reverse the line.
Well, when you have a string that contains newline characters you can
use .lines to get an array with strings in it where each of the strings
is the stuff from one newline character to the next.

You can then call .join("\n") on that array to get back to one long
string with newline characters in between the original elements.

When you use the :v argument to split, it will also give you a string in
between that contains only the newline character in it (this is
especially useful when you use a regex as the splitter, or an array of
strings where each of the strings is one thing to split by). In that
case you don't need to join with "\n", because the \n are already there.

I think the examples were confusing your original question where you
said "reverse of .lines", but you meant "inverse of .lines". So you can
just leave out the .reverse from these examples.

Hope that helps!
  - Timo

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