On 18/02/17 06:04, ToddAndMargo wrote:
> Hi All,
> Sorry for the 1000 questions today, but I have anb entire
> week to think them up.  And I have another one.
> In Windows, I am noticing that Cobian Backup and Windows
> Explorer (not Internet Explorer) can tool around CIFS
> (Windows) shares based on the IP (not the drive letter).
> Can I do this with Perl6?  I am needing
>    create directory
>    remove director
>    directory list
>    directory exists
> Many thanks,
> -T

You have many options here. One is to use a commandline tool to access
an smb share (i think smb and cifs are the same thing?). On linux and
friends you'd use samba, on windows there's got to be some command that
behaves the same way.

You would then have to use the "run" sub (with :out and probably also
:err) or Proc::Async in order to communicate commands to that program
and get results back.

A better idea is to look for a module that you can use for these tasks.
There is most probably a python module or a perl5 module that implements
what you need. You can load those with Inline::Python and Inline::Perl5

Good Luck!

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