On Mon, Mar 13, 2017 at 12:37 PM, Will Coleda <w...@coleda.com> wrote:

> Works the same in Perl 6, and you can avoid the parens. Using helper
> subs that return one or two item lists, here's some sample code:
> $ perl6
> > sub one-thing { return ("hi",) }
> sub one-thing () { #`(Sub|140454852043936) ... }
> > 1 == my $script = one-thing
> True
> > $script
> (hi)
But then:

> $script.WHAT

In the Perl 5 version, $script is assigned the single element of the
returned list.  In your code, it refers to the list itself.

(Also, wait: It looks like "=" has higher precedence than "=="?  Or does
the "my" affect the parsing somehow?)

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