Hi All,

Just as soon as I think I understand it, a little
humility fall into my lap!

my $x='sub Test () { #`(Sub|63218616) ... }';
$x ~~ m/sub (.*) \(/;
say "$x\n$1";

$ WhoTest2.pl6
Use of Nil in string context
  in block <unit> at ./WhoTest2.pl6 line 4
sub Test () { #`(Sub|63218616) ... }

This is what I want to do. "sub " will
always be repeated and have a space after it.

" (" will always be repeated and have a space before

I want what occurs between "sub " and " ("

What am I doing wrong?  This time?

Many thanks,

Serious error.
All shortcuts have disappeared.
Screen. Mind. Both are blank.

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