Looks like you already found the dependency that is failing:

The original module doesn't have a bug queue, and I don't think we
have a community solution to authors that don't have bugqueues.
(except to kindly ask them to enable them)

On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 2:33 PM, Gabor Szabo <szab...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've just tried to install Crypt::Bcrypt into my Docker based Rakudo
> but it failed.
> I checked the GitHub repo of the project
> https://github.com/skinkade/p6-Crypt-Bcrypt
> that was linked from modules.perl6.org but it could not find the way
> to submit bug reports.
> Where should I report it?
> # perl6 -v
> This is Rakudo version 2017.01 built on MoarVM version 2017.01
> implementing Perl 6.c.
> # zef install Crypt::Bcrypt
> ===> Searching for: Crypt::Bcrypt
> ===> Searching for missing dependencies: Crypt::Random
> ===> Searching for missing dependencies: if
> ===> Fetching: Crypt::Bcrypt
> ===> Fetching: Crypt::Random
> ===> Fetching: if
> ===> Building: Crypt::Bcrypt:ver('1.3.1')
> ===> Building [OK] for Crypt::Bcrypt:ver('1.3.1')
> ===> Testing: if:ver('0.1.0'):auth('github:FROGGS')
> t/if.t ..1/5===SORRY!===
> Cannot find method 'symtable' on object of type GLOBAL
> # Looks like you planned 5 tests, but ran 1
> t/if.t .. All 5 subtests passed
> All tests successful.
> Test Summary Report
> -------------------
> t/if.t (Wstat: 0 Tests: 1 Failed: 0)
>   Parse errors: Bad plan.  You planned 5 tests but ran 1.
> Files=1, Tests=1,  1 wallclock secs
> Result: FAILED
> ===> Testing [FAIL]: if:ver('0.1.0'):auth('github:FROGGS')
> Aborting due to test failure: if:ver('0.1.0'):auth('github:FROGGS')
> (use --force to override)
>   in code  at 
> /usr/share/perl6/site/sources/1DC0BAA246D0774E7EB4F5119C6168E0D8266EFA
> (Zef::Client) line 306
>   in method test at
> /usr/share/perl6/site/sources/1DC0BAA246D0774E7EB4F5119C6168E0D8266EFA
> (Zef::Client) line 285
>   in code  at 
> /usr/share/perl6/site/sources/1DC0BAA246D0774E7EB4F5119C6168E0D8266EFA
> (Zef::Client) line 457
>   in sub  at 
> /usr/share/perl6/site/sources/1DC0BAA246D0774E7EB4F5119C6168E0D8266EFA
> (Zef::Client) line 454
>   in method install at
> /usr/share/perl6/site/sources/1DC0BAA246D0774E7EB4F5119C6168E0D8266EFA
> (Zef::Client) line 560
>   in sub MAIN at
> /usr/share/perl6/site/sources/A9948E7371E0EB9AFDF1EEEB07B52A1B75537C31
> (Zef::CLI) line 123
>   in block <unit> at
> /usr/share/perl6/site/resources/3DD33EF601FD300095284AE7C24B770BAADAF32E
> line 1

Will "Coke" Coleda

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