On Tue, 02 May 2017 03:30:44 -0700, mt1...@gmail.com wrote:
> With Rakudo version 2017.04.3-66-g7648793 built on MoarVM version 
> 2017.04-44-gf0db882
> implementing Perl 6.c. on a system (uname -a) Linux h03-fedora 
> 4.10.11-100.fc24.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Apr 18 17:25:04 UTC 2017 x86_64 
> x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
> I see the following problem
> Moving a file where destination is the same as its source, two things 
> can happen a) program hangs or b) file is deleted. I would expect an 
> X::IO::Move exception with a proper message.
> Example.: 'abc.txt'.IO.move('abc.txt');
> Regards,
> Marcel

Thank you for the report. This is now fixed.

Fix:   https://github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/08a8075f91
Tests: https://github.com/perl6/roast/commit/4fdb8504cd
Docs:  https://github.com/perl6/doc/commit/eca21ff851

-- IO grant

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