# New Ticket Created by  Zoffix Znet 
# Please include the string:  [perl #131244]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# <URL: https://rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=131244 >


* TimToady      notes that .perl and .gist do guarantee sorted order
16:02   Zoffix  s: bag(), 'perl', \()
16:02   SourceBaby      Zoffix, Sauce is at 
16:03   Zoffix  Don't look like it
16:03   TimToady        they're supposed to
16:03   Zoffix  And if it does, then .Stringy also does, 'cause they're using 
the same Baggy!LISTIFY method
16:04   TimToady        you can always iterate a hash yourself if you really 
want unordered
16:04           sets and bags should follow the same policy
16:05   Zoffix  So Hash.Str is guaranteed to be ordered?
16:05           Oh yeah:  multi method Str(Map:D:) { self.sort.join("\n") }
16:06           m: use nqp; dd nqp::getattr(Map.new(<a 42>), Map, 
16:06   camelia         rakudo-moar 08a807: OUTPUT: «"BOOTHash"␤»
16:07   Zoffix  And Baggy takes nqp::iterator() of BOOTHash and just loops over 
it... I'm guessing that's unordered
16:07   timotimo        yeah, that's unordered

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