> On 13 May 2017, at 03:45, Brad Gilbert via RT <perl6-bugs-follo...@perl.org> 
> wrote:
> On Fri, 12 May 2017 03:04:46 -0700, elizabeth wrote:
>> <lizmat>        m: class A { has Int $.a is default(42) }; dd A.new.a
>> # expected to see 42 there, not Int, so feels like "is default" on
>> attrs isn't implemented?
> It does work if you add =Nil
>    class A { has Int $.a is rw is default(42) = Nil };
>    dd A.new.a; # 42
>    $_ = A.new(:a(34));
>    .a = Nil;
>    dd .a; # 42

The whole reason for me to look at this, was to prevent the explicit 
initialization, done by BUILDALL.  If you don’t, it still doesn’t work:

$ 6 'class A { has Int $.a is rw is default(42) = Nil }; say A.CREATE.a'


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