Probably not if it had scales, webbed feet, a hookbill, antennae, a furry
coontail, and udders. Otherwise, if it looks like a camel at all, it's
considered a trademark violation. I remember someone (whether at O'Reilly or
not I don't remember) saying that, even if it looks like a horse but has a
hump, it's not allowed. Or was that an alpaca with a llama...

The RFC pleads for a community spirit from ORA. Barring that, it seeks a new
symbol for the community entirely. A three-humped camel may give a good
visual for Perl 6 as it exists today (fantasy and a bit convoluted), but it
may be a bit difficult to apply to the upcoming completed language. ;-)

BTW, what happened to meta? After a server outage of some length I believe I
was removed, but it appears no longer to exist when I try to subscribe.

David T. Grove
Blue Square Group

> -----Original Message-----
> From: RFC850 host name inserted by qmail-smtpd
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of David L. Nicol
> Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2001 5:12 PM
> To: Larry Wall; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: Re: Apoc2 - <STDIN> concerns ::::: new mascot?
> Larry Wall wrote:
> > there seems to be a shortage of three-humped camels.
> At last! the unencumbered image for the mascot!  Could
> O'Reilly really claim a three-humped camel was an image of
> a camel, with a straight face?

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