On Thu, 17 Dec 2015 09:13:52 -0800, zef...@fysh.org wrote:
> IO::Path.perl produces output of the general form
> $a.IO(:SPEC($b),:CWD($c)), but it turns out that this expression doesn't
> actually replicate the SPEC and CWD attributes:
> > "foo".IO(:SPEC(IO::Spec::Unix), :CWD("/bar")).perl
> q|foo|.IO(:SPEC(IO::Spec::Unix),:CWD</home/zefram/usr/rakudo/rakudo>)
> > "foo".IO(:SPEC(IO::Spec::Win32), :CWD("C:\\bar")).perl
> q|foo|.IO(:SPEC(IO::Spec::Unix),:CWD</home/zefram/usr/rakudo/rakudo>)
> Empirically, it would work to instead generate a IO::Path.new expression:
> > IO::Path.new("foo", :CWD("/bar")).perl
> q|foo|.IO(:SPEC(IO::Spec::Unix),:CWD</bar>)
> > IO::Path.new("foo", :SPEC(IO::Spec::Win32), :CWD("C:\\bar")).perl
> q|foo|.IO(:SPEC(IO::Spec::Win32),:CWD<C:\\bar>)
> This is distinct from the string quoting issues that arise in the same
> code and are being addressed in [perl #126935].
> -zefram

Thank you for the report. This was a month or so ago, as part of the IO grant.

Tests now exist in 


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