This was discussed in

In theory, this ticket should apply for other ops as well.

Note that I said that I will change the way unicode ops are implemented, but I
didn't have much time since then. Hoping to get to it at some point.

On 2017-06-22 10:29:59, wrote:
> I'd expect the fancy Unicode versions of <=, >=, and != to perform
> equally well, instead the
> ≥ and ≤ are 36x slower than their Texas companions and ≠ is 15x
> slower.
> Here's the timings for >= vs ≥:
> m: my $x = rand; for ^1000_000 { $ = $x >= 1_000_000_000_000 }; say
> now - INIT now;
> rakudo-moar 43c176: OUTPUT: «0.74663187␤»
> m: my $x = rand; for ^1000_000 { $ = $x ≥ 1_000_000_000_000 }; say now
> - INIT now;
> rakudo-moar 43c176: OUTPUT: «(timeout)»
> m: my $x = rand; for ^1000_0 { $ = $x ≥ 1_000_000_000_000 }; say now -
> INIT now;
> rakudo-moar 43c176: OUTPUT: «0.2661272␤»
> m: say 0.2661272*100 / 0.729002
> rakudo-moar 43c176: OUTPUT: «36.505689␤»

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