# New Ticket Created by  Ron Schmidt 
# Please include the string:  [perl #131774]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# <URL: https://rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=131774 >

>From IRC: 



Code example: 

for (50_000, 75_000) -> $limit {my $x; my $y = "x" x 100; $x ~= $y for
(1..$limit); say "$limit: ", now - ENTER now} 

Gets a MoarVM memory panic from the eval bot for 75_000 constructing a
7.5 Meg string.  According to valgrind 50_000 was allocating 10GB of
memory.  At a concat count of 150_000 Perl 5 finishes in hundredths of a
second where p6 takes around a minute and the growth in time with p6 is
clearly worse than linear.  "blead" updates as of July 20 include some
improvements and timotimo on IRC mentioned that he is working on others.

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