
I think I've mentioned earlier that we see some memory leaks in Bailador.
I've started to investigate it by creating a small function that would
use "ps" to get the memory usage of the current process.

The first step was to do some sanity check and so I wrote a test script:


As I am far from being an expert in the field, I wonder if checking
the VSZ as reported by ps is even a good indication of the memory
consumption of a process?

Then I've to note that the results were different in almost every run
which makes me further wonder why?

The numbers are also drastically different between my OSX and running
on Travis-CI, though Rakudo is also different.

Does any of this make sense? Does it indicate any memory leak in
Rakudo already or is this just normal memory usage?

How could I improve my measuring and what else should I measure?


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