On Tue, 06 Sep 2016 13:26:42 -0700, r...@ringlet.net wrote:
> Hi,
> So here's the main program:
> #!/usr/bin/perl6
> use v6.c;
> use lib '.';
> use trap;
> sub woof-local(Hash[Str:D] $data)
> {
>         return $data<title>[0];
> }
> {
>         my %opts = title => 'Something something something dark side';
>         say 'Invoking the local sub...';
>         say woof-local(Hash[Str:D].new(%opts));
> %opts<title> = "It's a trap!";
> say 'Invoking the remote sub...';
> say woof-remote(Hash[Str:D].new(%opts));
> }
> And here's the trap.pm6 module:
> #!/usr/bin/env perl6
> unit module trap;
> sub woof-remote(Hash[Str:D] $data) is export
> {
>         return $data<title>[0];
> }
> And here's the result of the execution:
> [roam@straylight ~/lang/perl/misc/rt/hash/03-param]$ perl6 hash-
> param.p6
> Invoking the local sub...
> Something something something dark side
> Invoking the remote sub...
> Type check failed in binding to $data; expected Hash[Str:D] but got
> (my Str:D % = :title(...
>   in sub woof-remote at /home/roam/lang/perl/misc/rt/hash/03-
> param/trap.pm6 (trap) line 5
>   in block <unit> at hash-param.p6 line 20
> G'luck,
> Peter

This is not particular to signature binding typechecks.  It looks like
an instance of a Hash[Str:D] from the calling module !~~ Hash[Str:D]
in the called module in general.

Fudged tests added in S11-modules/export.t in roast commit 272ce3800

Perplexingly, I was unable to replicate this failure using Test::Compile,
which compiles through the ComUnit:: interface... a real 'use' statement
was needed to replicate the problem.

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