On Fri, 22 Sep 2017 16:40:35 -0700, b...@abrij.org wrote:
> We've had a native 'str' type for a while, and still have one even
> though NativeCall decided to go with Str and 'is encoded'.
It's not native in the sense of same sense that NativeCall uses the word.

> Currently it seems to just be a Str under the hood which has very
> few restrictions, other than not allowing binding to a Str.
That's the wrong way around. A Str boxes a str under the hood, much like Num 
boxes a num.

> What exactly is a 'str'?  Is it null terminated or does it know
> its length?  Does it have an encoding?
Str uses the P6opaque representation. It's defined as something like:

class Str {
    has str $!value;

This means it can support things like mixins. The `str` instance is what 
actually holds the string data buffer. It is always in NFG. Its representation 
is implementation-defined, but no implementation that provides it supports 
mixing in to it, which a high-level type like Str should support.

So, much like num is an unboxed Num, str is an unboxed Str. It's used quite a 
bit inside of Rakudo, as it's what all the nqp:: ops for str use. However, 
there are user-level places one might wish to have it if dealing with a large 
number of strings. For example:

my str @loads-of-strings;

Will be far more compact in memory than:

my Str @loads-of-strings;

Since the latter stores a Scalar pointing to Str pointing to str, while the 
former is just a bunch of str.

> Roast indicates it knows how to take an assignment from a Str literal
> (but no literal is used that pushes any boundaries) and
> can be used in multi-dispatch and... that's really about all.
I'm sure there's room for more tests, though given that it's on the inside of 
every Str, then its functionality is largely covered implicitly (and any method 
call on a str will box it to the Str object type to actually call the method).

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