On 09/29/2017 12:43 PM, Brandon Allbery wrote:
On Fri, Sep 29, 2017 at 3:36 PM, ToddAndMargo <toddandma...@zoho.com <mailto:toddandma...@zoho.com>> wrote:

        This is the correct one. The warning about "useless use" here is
        a bug
        in rakudo. It's meant to warn for things like

    Another bug.  Lucky me, again.   :'(

    Thank you!

Also, this is about the third time in the past 2 days that I pointed out something like this to you, then you hit it later and it was somehow something you had never seen before. Perhaps I should stop trying to explain things, since you aren't actually reading?

Hi Brandon,

Sometimes, things take a bit to sink in.  Do not misinterpret
my not understanding with my not reading.  I often "scour"
what you write me several times and many times write them
down in my keepers file.

Also, I wasn't meaning anything by the "Lucky me" remark.  I think
Perl 6 is a remarkable example of Kaisen (Constant Improvement).
I am actually marveling at the pace of development and the
conscientious nature of the the developers.  As I trip across
bugs, I am astonished at how fast the developed pounce on them
and fix them.  (Then a little annoyed at waiting for Red Hat
to catch up.)

I am currently stuck running from an Anti-Kaisen OS (Scientific Linux
7.4, a clone of Red Hat Enterprise Linux) on my main office workstation/server.







And believe me, the words I use when bitching about it are
far too blue to print (no an admission that I cuss).

I sincerely appreciate all the help you have given me!


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