> is
> synonymous with

IIUC - close, it like qqw:

It's actually synonymous w/ qqww but depending upon your use of quotes w/i
the list elements, it works out the same as qqww ... except for that whole
"allomorph" aspect

> my $a = 42
> say qww{"$a b" c}.perl
("42 b", "c")
> say qw{"$a b" c}.perl
("\"\$a", "b\"", "c")
> say qqw{"$a b" c}.perl
("\"42", "b\"", "c")
> say qqww{"$a b" c}.perl
("42 b", "c")
> say <<"$a b" c>>.perl
("42 b", "c")
> say <<$a b c>>.perl
(IntStr.new(42, "42"), "b", "c")
> say qw{$a b c}.perl
("\$a", "b", "c")
> say qqw{$a b c}.perl
("42", "b", "c")
> say qqww{$a b c}.perl
("42", "b", "c")
> say qww{$a b c}.perl
("\$a", "b", "c")

On Wed, Oct 4, 2017 at 10:22 PM, Todd Chester <toddandma...@zoho.com> wrote:

> On 10/04/2017 08:20 PM, Todd Chester wrote:
>> So in this context "{$x}" means insert (interpolate) a
>> variable into the list?  I was thinking it meant to
>> insert a variable into a string.  Did saying <<>>
>> automatically tell Perl6 that this was a list
>> and not a sting?
> is
>    <<>>
> synonymous with
>    qw[]
> ?



Andy Bach,
608 658-1890 cell
608 261-5738 wk

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