On Sat, 23 Sep 2017 12:28:53 -0700, barto...@gmx.de wrote:
> 3) Feeding the EvalServer with a program that calls 'run' (or
> Proc::Async directly) does heavily leak memory, threads and what not
> (again assuming a clean EvalServer instance started as above):
> $ echo 'run("echo", "42");' > foo.p6
> $ for i in {1..500}; do ./eval-client.pl TESTTOKEN run foo.p6; done

I'm still trying to find the cause of the memory leak. Part of the problem 
seems to be that with each invokation of './eval-client.pl TESTTOKEN run 
foo.p6' three or four additional threads are started. Those threads are never 

Some debug statements in src/core/ThreadPoolScheduler.pm indicate that with 
each invokation (s.a.) a new AffinityWorker instance and a new GeneralWorker 
instance are created (and at least one other thread). I guess those newly 
started Threads stay around until the EvalServer is killed.

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