On Fri, 13 Oct 2017 23:08:20 -0700, alex.jakime...@gmail.com wrote:
> Code:
> say int32.new(42)
> ¦«2016.10,2016.11,2016.12,2017.01,2017.02,2017.03,2017.04.3,2017.05,
>   2017.06,2017.07,2017.08,2017.09»:
> 42
> ¦«HEAD(012c80f)»:
> No such method 'BUILDALLPLAN' for invocant of type
> 'Perl6::Metamodel::NativeHOW'
> in block <unit> at /tmp/B93UszWrfP line 1
> Bisectable points at (2017-09-19)
> https://github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/0834036dd436ac7372c8c0fe2f49511a4f5186dd

In the past, that code just creating a regular Int:

    <Zoffix__> c: 2017.06 multi x (int) { say "native" }; multi x (Int) { say 
"here" }; x  int32.new(42)
    <committable6> Zoffix__, ¦2017.06: «here»
    <Zoffix__> c: 2017.06 multi x (int) { say "native" }; multi x (Int) { say 
"here" }; x  my int32 $ = 42
    <committable6> Zoffix__, ¦2017.06: «native»

So it was never possible to create them with .new. The old code just silently 
did the wrong thing, while the new behaviour gives crappy error.

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